Navy League of the United States Military National
Administered By : Not Specified

Reunion Information
Navy League of the United States
Association Type
Military National


Contact Phone Number

Contact Email
Year Established
Not Specified

Short Name
HQ Address
Navy League National Headquarters
2300 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201


Our members are the nation’s watchdogs for the sea services and track issues regarding military preparedness, modernization, and all other matters relative to maintaining U.S. strength at sea. Members of the Navy League are also recognized for their integrity, patriotism and community service, especially on the waterfront. Additionally, we conduct educational programs promoting a second-to-none sea service and support for the people who serve and their families.

Direct Reporting All Chapters  
Contra Costa Chapter (CA) Placer County Council (Auburn, CA)
Long Beach Chapter (Long Beach, CA) Beverly Hills Council (Los Angeles, CA)
Monterey Council (Monterey, CA) Newport Beach Council (Newport Beach, CA)
Tri-Cities Chapter (Oceanside, CA) Palm Springs Council (Palm Springs, CA)
Sacramento Council of the Navy League (Sacramento, CA) San Diego Council (San Diego, CA)
Santa Clara Valley Chapter (Santa Clara , CA) Pensacola Council (FL)
Treasure Coast Council (FL) Treasure Coast Council (FL)
Broward County Council (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Fort Lauderdale Council (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Jacksonville Area Council (Jacksonville, FL) Key West Council (Key West, FL)
Central Florida Council (Orlando, FL) St. Augustine Council (St. Augustine, FL)
Tallahassee Council (Tallahassee, FL) Tampa Council (Tampa, FL)
Maui Council (HI) Honolulu (Aiea, HI)
Navy League of Lake County (Lake County, IL) Casco Bay Council (ME)
Northern New England Council (ME) North Jersey Council (NJ)
Niagara Frontier Council (Buffalo, NY) Long Island Chapter (Long Island, NY)
Cleveland Council (Cleveland, OH) Greater Columbus Council (Colmbus, OH)
Oregon Council (Portland, OR) Altoona Council (Altoona, PA)
PHILAD (Philadelphia, PA) Pittsburgh Council (Pittsburg, PA)
Greater Charleston Council (Charleston, SC) Hilton Head Island Council (Hilton Head Island, SC)
Lonestar Council (Austin, TX) Fort Worth Council (Fort Worth, TX)

Association Photos
Member Association

Available Badges
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Member Roster
571 Enrolled 0 Eligible All Members
Abelquist, Paul (Abe), EMCS 5 Aimetti, Americo (Rick), SF3
Alexander, Pete (Dog), CDR 8  Alfidi, Michael (Boats), BM1 45
Alger, John (Spartan), CDR 2 Allen, David, LCDR 4
Allen, Larry H., AW1 Allen, Littleberry Calhoun, III (L.C.), CAPT -Deceased 
Allen, Richard (RC), VADM -Deceased  Allyn, David (Twidget65), ET3 2
CWO Andersen, Dale, CWO4 1 Anderson, Jerry R., CAPT 2
Anderson, William (Andy), LSCS 30 Andrea, William (Bill), ST2
Anglade, Paul Philippe (Phil), LCDR 18 Arnold, Christopher L., DC3 1
Ashworth, K., LT Ayres, George, ICCS 2811
Baciocco, Albert J., Jr. (Al), VADM -Deceased  Bailey, William Coulter (Bill), CDR -Deceased 
Baker, Joe, CAPT 8 Barber, Richard (Dick), LT 134
Barbour, Mike (Miguel), AECS 6 Barbour, Richard (Rick), CDR 1
Barker, David (Dave), BM3 1 Barker, Dennis (Dennis), LCDR
Barnes, Rick (Rick), OSCS 1 Barr, Michael (Mike, Raymond), GMG2 32
OFF Barron, William, CAPT 1 Bawden, Scott, CAPT 2
Beasley, David, ATC 24 Beaumont, Arthur Edwin (Beaumont-Crabbe), CDR -Deceased 
Bechill, Bob (captainbob), CAPT  Becker, Dennis (Doc), HM1 25
Bell, David, CTM1 2 Belmares, Ernest (Big "E"), CMDCM 102
Benitez, Rafael Celestino (Benny), RADM -Deceased  Bentley, Christopher, LCDR 29
00 Beres, Mary, CPO Beres, Robin Toomey, YNC 3

Eligible Units

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