Photo Album of Benton, Thomas Hart, S1c
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USS Dorado titled Slumber Deep by Thomas Hart Benton
20 of 24
from  Paintings and murals  album
Tom Benten sailed on the USS Dorado (SS-248), a Gato-class submarine, to document a US Navy submarine in pen, pencil and paint. Paintings from the Dorado by Hart include "Score Another for the Subs", "In Slumber Deep", and "The Claustrophobic Confines". His work on the Dorado served as a solemn testimony as she is on eternal patrol, sunk, off Panama on 12 October 1943, just six weeks after her commissioning with the loss of all hands. - - "Slumber Deep" by Thomas Hart Benton
posted By Loomis, Steven, IC3
Nov 4, 2017

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