Mercer, Alfred S., EN3

 TWS Ribbon Bar
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Service Status
USN Veteran
Final Rank
Petty Officer Third Class
Last NEC
Last NEC Group
Primary Unit
1978-1979, EN-0000, Navigational Aids Support Unit (NAVAIDSUPUNIT), Naval Meteorology & Oceanography Command (NMOC)
Service Years
1976 - 1980
One Hash Mark

 Official Badges 

US Navy Honorable Discharge

 Unofficial Badges 

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

I mustered out after 3 years with an Honorable discharge after blowing out my knees. Over the years, my knee and back issues have slowed me down and I have had to give up playing in Blues/Funk/Rock bands and riding/racing motorcycles and cars. Nowadays, I just kill brain cells on the Internet and go to the VA Hospital.

Other Comments:

To Gerrard "Gerry/Marty" C. Martin II: You were my friend. I was an idiot. Forgive me.

Where My wife Terri Sowell Mercer and I used to be found every year until a few years back:

The John Simoneaux Memorial Jam in Ruston, LS at the Sundown Tavern with a TON of our musician friends.

Me, Asia, the Chris Duarte Strat and Ryan Munsey

I'm on the left, our friend Asia is in the middle with the autographed Chris Duarte Strat we raffled off and to the right is my bass player, Ryan Munsey.

The event was held annually at the Sundown Tavern in Ruston, LA to raise donations to the John Simoneaux Memorial Fund which is a fully endowed Music Scholarship that has been established in John's name at Louisiana Tech University.

I played drums for John for years there and in his band with Ryan. Here is a pic from way back then when we first started playing together as a band.

live at The Sundown


  1976, Recruit Training (Orlando, FL), 195
Recruit Training (Orlando, FL)

Company, Class or Division

Start Date 
Jan, 1976

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Last Updated:Mar 1, 2018
My Photos From This Recruit Training
No Available Photos

  289 Also There at This Training:
Name Co Ptn Start Date
Bass, Don, PO2, (1976-1980) 195 Jan, 1976
Downey, Timothy, CWO2, (1976-2001) 195 Jan, 1976
Gura, William, CPO, (1976-1996) 195 Jan, 1976
Lintner, Peter, CAPT, (1975-2008) 195 Dec, 1975
Ahrens, Don, PO2, (1976-1979) 214 Jan, 1976
Ahrens, Don, PO2, (1976-1979) 214 Jan, 1976
Aker, Lester, CPO, (1976-1997) 083 Jan, 1976
Andrus, Laura, PO1, (1976-1996) 3051 Jan, 1976
Auberger, Robert, FN, (1976-1981) Jan, 1976
Baez Jr., Jaime, PO1, (1976-1996) Jan, 1976
Baxter, Paula, CPO, (1976-2002) 3040 Jan, 1976
Beggs, Sue, PO3, (1976-1980) 3038 Jan, 1976
Bennett, Dwaine, PO3, (1976-1980) 211 Jan, 1976
Betcher, Mark, PO1, (1976-1997) Jan, 1976
Bettoni, Ray, PO1, (1979-2000) 268 Jan, 1976
Blackmon, Randy, PO3, (1976-1979) 226 Jan, 1976
Blair, Bill, PO1, (1976-1984) 223 Jan, 1976
Bowen, Danny, FR, (1976-1977) 426 Jan, 1976
Brooks, Manuel L, SCPO, (1976-1998) 357 Jan, 1976
Bryan, W. Douglas, CDR, (1976-2011) 358 Jan, 1976
Budnyk, Ricky, PO2, (1976-1980) 448 Jan, 1976
Burks, David, MCPO, (1976-2001) 197 Jan, 1976
Butler, Norman, SA, (1976-1977) 123 Jan, 1976
Cabibbo, Roy, PO1, (1976-1996) 200 Jan, 1976
Carney, Robert, PO3, (1976-1982) 223 Jan, 1976
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