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Stuart native Brendon W. Sandburg lived through two tours of combat duty as a Navy corpsman in Kuwait and Iraq, only to be killed in a training accident closer to home.
Sandburg, 25, was one of four killed when their helicopter crashed in Yuma, Ariz.
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Petty Officer 2nd Class Brendon Sandburg enlisted in the Navy while still at John Carroll high school. After graduation, he reported for recruit training in August of 2000 and completed Hospital Corpsman School, Great Lake, Ill in November of 2000.
His military awards include, Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Navy Unit Commendation Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, two Good Conduct Medals, National Defense Service Medal, three Sea Service Deployment Ribbons.
The last one was presented to his parents after the Memorial Service at MCAS Yuma for Brendon and his three fallen Marines. He was a Navy corpsman assigned to the Branch Medical Clinic in Yuma, from Stuart, Fla., was a crew member with Search and Rescue (SAR) attached to Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron at MCAS Yuma. He was 25.