Hancock, Joy, CAPT

 Service Photo   Service Details
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Final Rank
Primary Unit
1946-1953, Women Reserves/WAVES
Service Years
1916 - 1953
Captain Captain

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

64 kb

Home State
New Jersey
New Jersey
Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by PO1 Jeff Frey (Ace) to remember Hancock, Joy, CAPT.

If you knew or served with this Sailor and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Contact Info
Last Address
Date of Passing
Sep 25, 1986

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

  • After her retirement from the Navy, she married VADM Ralph A. Ofstie, then Commander, US Sixth Fleet.

  • Following his death in 1956 Capt Hancock spent time in the Virgin Islands, the Washington D.C. area, and in her home town of Wildwood, NJ, running the family business William H. Bright Real Estate and Insurance Company, along with helping her brother run the Wildwood Yacht Basin, as well as managing family-owned real estate.

Other Comments:

  • One of a few American Women to earn their wings in the 1920's by obtaining her Private Pilots License.

  • In 1922, during Capt Hancock's broken service she was hired as a cilivian by the Bureau of Aeronautics, her duties including editing the Bureau's "News Letter", which later evolved into the magizine "Naval Aviation News", being its first Editor in Chief.

  • She was instumental in getting a reluctant Congress into authorizing the Women's Reserve of the US Naval Reserve, later nicknamed the WAVES.

  • Capt Hancock served as a liaison to then LCDR Milred McAfee, Director of the WAVES, because McAfee and her adviors came from educational and professional worlds, they knew very little about the Navy. They found Capt Hancock's expertise invaluable. With a background as a Yeoman(F) in WWI, a Navy Wife, and as a civilian in the Bureau of Aeronautics, she was the only WAVE leader with a clear idea of how the Navy operated.

  • During her tour at the Chief of Naval Operations, she held the position of Deputy Chief of Naval Operations(Air).

  • In 1946 she became the Assistant Director(Plans) of the Women's Reserve (WAVES) and later promoted to Director of the Women's Reserve.

  • During WWII women's service in the Military was considered as temporary. When Congress passed legislation in 1948 allowing women permanent standing in the regular Navy, it was largely do to the untiring efforts of one woman - Captian Joy Bright Hancock. Then Secretary of the Navy Robert B. Anderson later acknowledged her role: "More than any one individual," he wrote in a letter to Capt Hancock, "you are responsible for the establishment of the WAVES as a component in the Navy. Your Ideals, energy, and enthusiasm are continually reflected in the intregration of women into the regular Navy."

  • One of two WAVES eligible to wear the World War I Victory Medal.

  • Her first two marriages ended with tragady. Following WWI she married LT Charles Gray Little who died in the crash of airship ZR-2 in 1921. Her second marriage ended when husband LCDR Lewis Hancock Jr lost his life in the crash of the USS Shenandoah (ZR-1) in 1925.

  • Namesake for the Joy Bright Hancock Organization at the US Naval Academy.


  1943-1946, CNO - OPNAV


From Month/Year
- / 1943

To Month/Year
- / 1946

CNO - OPNAV Unit Page


Not Specified

Base, Station or City
Not Specified

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 CNO - OPNAV Details


Shore Support

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Major Commands


Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2007
My Photos For This Unit
LCDR Joy Bright Hancock
LCDR Joy Bright Hancock and LT Eunice Whyte
235 Members Also There at Same Time

Mitscher, Marc Andrew, ADM, (1906-1947) Admiral
Yarnell, Harry Ervin, ADM, (1897-1944) Admiral
Bagley, David Worth, ADM, (1904-1947) Vice Admiral
Radford, Arthur William, ADM, (1916-1957) Vice Admiral
Rosendahl, Charles Emery, VADM, (1914-1946) Vice Admiral
Radford, Arthur William, ADM, (1916-1957) Rear Admiral Upper Half
Rosendahl, Charles Emery, VADM, (1914-1946) Rear Admiral Upper Half
McCormick, Lynde Dupuy, ADM, (1915-1956) Rear Admiral Lower Half
Ford, John, RADM, (1934-1955) Captain
Goggins, William Bernard, RADM, (1919-1949) Captain
Grenfell, Elton Watters, VADM, (1926-1964) Captain
McCandless, Bruce, RADM, (1928-1952) Captain
Moon, Don Pardee, RADM, (1916-1944) Captain
OLD, Francis, VADM, (1917-1954) Captain
Smith-Hutton, Henri, CAPT, (1922-1952) Captain
Bright Hancock, Joy, CAPT, (1918-1953) Commander
Gano, Roy Alexander, VADM, (1926-1964) Commander
Larsen, Harold, CAPT, (1939-1965) Commander
Parsons, Charles Thomas, CDR, (1932-1948) Lieutenant Commander
Hollandersky, Abraham, (1904-1966) .T Sp(T) [Other Service Rank]
Riffle, Sandi SC SC-0000 [Other Service Rank]
Nimitz, Chester William, FADM, (1905-1966) OFF 112X Fleet Admiral
Fitch, Aubrey Wray, ADM, (1906-1947) OFF Admiral
McCain, John Sidney, ADM, (1906-1945) OFF 131X Vice Admiral
Tarrant, William Theodore, VADM, (1894-1946) OFF Vice Admiral
Wilkinson, Theodore Stark, VADM, (1905-1946) OFF Vice Admiral
Ballentine, John Jennings, ADM, (1917-1954) OFF Rear Admiral Upper Half
Conolly, Richard Lansing, ADM, (1914-1953) OFF Rear Admiral Upper Half
McCann, Allan Rockwell, VADM, (1917-1950) OFF Rear Admiral Upper Half
McCann, Allan Rockwell, VADM, (1917-1950) OFF Rear Admiral Upper Half
McCrea, John Livingstone, VADM, (1911-1953) OFF 111X Rear Admiral Upper Half
Wright, Jerauld, ADM, (1917-1963) OFF Rear Admiral Upper Half
Karig, Walter, CAPT, (1932-1954) OFF 110X Captain
Kiefer, Dixie, Cmdre, (1918-1945) OFF Captain
Kiefer, Dixie, Cmdre, (1918-1945) OFF 131X Captain
Martin, Charles Franklin, RADM, (1914-1946) OFF 112X Captain
Oates, Eugene Thompson, CAPT, (1911-1947) OFF Captain
Pirie, Robert Burns, VADM, (1922-1962) OFF Captain
Russell, James Sargent, ADM, (1926-1965) OFF 131X Captain
Smith, Geoffrey S., CAPT, (1924-1945) OFF 00X Captain
Strauss, Elliott Bowman, RADM, (1923-1953) OFF Captain
Strauss, Elliott Bowman, RADM, (1923-1953) OFF Captain
Struble, Arthur Dewey, ADM, (1915-1956) OFF 111X Captain
Voge, Richard George, RADM, (1925-1946) OFF Captain
Vytlacil, Nicholas, CAPT, (1917-1947) OFF 170X Captain
WHITEHEAD, Richard, VADM, (1912-1956) OFF 135X Captain
Anderson, Edward Lee, CAPT, (1938-1968) OFF Commander
Dornin, Robert Edson, CAPT, (1935-1965) OFF Commander
Eccles, Henry Effingham, RADM, (1922-1952) OFF Commander
Fluckey, Eugene Bennett, RADM, (1935-1972) OFF Commander
Lockwood, Ralph Huntington, CAPT, (1938-1968) OFF Commander
Raborn, William Francis, VADM, (1928-1963) OFF Commander
Wendt, Waldemar Frederick A, ADM, (1933-1971) OFF Commander
Claxton, Norman, LCDR OFF 111X Lieutenant Commander
Fairbanks, Douglas Elton, CAPT, (1941-1946) OFF Lieutenant Commander
Ford, Gerald Rudolph, LCDR, (1942-1946) OFF 111X Lieutenant Commander
Helms, Richard, LCDR, (1942-1945) IS IS-0000 Lieutenant Commander
Masoner Jr., William John, LCDR, (1939-1954) OFF 131X Lieutenant Commander
Nichols, Robert, CDR, (1923-1962) OFF 111X Lieutenant Commander

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