Photo Album of WAGNER, James Frederick, ENS
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Newspaper obituary part 2 of 2
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from  Killed in air crash, November 1945  album
James Wagner enlisted in the Navy on 19 December, 1940, and was serving as a storekeeper third class on the USS Beaver, a submarine tender, at Casablanca in early 1943, when he received orders to return to the United States to train as a Navy pilot. First he went to pre-flight school at Louisiana State college for three months and on 8 July, 1943, entered the civil aeronautics administration and war training school at Natchitoches, La. He was successively at Athens, Ga., Dailas, Texas, and Pensacola, Fla. At Pensacola he received his wings on 7 November, 1944. He was afterward stationed at Deland, Fla., and Groose Isle, Mich. He was assigned to the new aircraft carrier, the USS Franklin D. Rossevelt at the time of his death.
posted By WAGNER, James Frederick, ENS
Apr 17, 2015

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