Photo Album of Hoarty, Joseph Leo, PO2
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25 -36 of 50 images
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Ball Park Honolulu on Liberty
29 of 50
from  1943-1943, Aviation Free Gunnery School  album
Taken by a female Petty Officer in the Coast Guard SPARS from Buffalo, NY (the first such service person I met). I was attending Aerial Sonobuoy school at Kaneohe NAS on temporary leave from USS Kasaan Bay at the time. I passed the tests and was returned to the KB to fly with each and every bomb carrying type plane in the Composite Squadron. My job was to teach everybody the ordnance part of Sonbuoy search. A radioman also accompanied me to school and he taught that part of it. We worked and flew day and night until we had an aerial accident and I was again in sick bay with burns.
posted By Hoarty, Joseph Leo, PO2
Aug 18, 2008

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