Photo Album of Prince Sr, Michael, OSCS
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13 -24 of 41 images
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Leapfrog PR Photo Chute
16 of 41
from  1969-1972, OS-9502, US Navy Parachute Team (Leap Frogs)  album
I wore a Nikon BW camera mounted on my helmet upside down so I could look through the sportsfinder view finder. The plan was for the four to form a four-man star and then at 3500 break into a line of breast. However when i shot this picture we we were below a safe altitude. Breaking off one at a time I shot their openings. When it was my turn to open I was passing 1,000 feet. Immediately I waved, then pulled, but I had a delayed opening at about 400 ft. Needless to say those on the ground watching scattered. I was in the saddle approximately 12 seconds before I landed. The only hard day is yesterday! Hooya!
posted By Prince Sr, Michael, OSCS
Dec 3, 2011

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