Photo Album of Bartleson, John, Jr., CWO4
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13 -24 of 57 images
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CNO, Adm. Zumwalt's 13th Retention Study Group for EOD and UDT.
13 of 57
from  1968-1972, Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD) (Indian Head, Maryland)  album
Seeing the power that the CNO ordered down to his subordinate staff was very impressive. In brainstorming sessions our committee developed about 15 subjects that we felt would improve retention in the Navy and were ordered to reduce them to the five most important. One of those were recognition by the Navy for EOD and UDT to wear green fatigues. After provideing our topics and providing very strong and supporting justification, the wise old Admiral would stroke his chin, ask if any staff member could provide objections, hearing none, he turned around to BUPERS and said "Make It So". Turely an amazing person.
posted By Bartleson, John, Jr., CWO4
Nov 30, 2011

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