Photo Album of Stringer, Kenneth, AW1
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A-School Class, April 1986
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from  1986-1986, (AW) Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Operator A School (Millington, Tennessee)  album
Jeff and I are still good friends, Rick and I went to VP-6 together, Dave was working at WING-II in 2004 during my final tour with VP-4, and George was briefing my final missions out of Djibouty just a couple of months before we both retired in the summer of '05. Bottom row, far left, I'm not sure, but I think is was Joe Pycior. If so, Joe was the AW killed on 911 working at the Pentagon. I do recall he was our class leader, well liked by everyone and always got the highest scores on test. If anyone can confirm this, please send me a message.
posted By Stringer, Kenneth, AW1
Sep 24, 2008

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