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U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
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U.S. Coast Guard
Unit Directory
U.S. Navy
3rd Minensuchgeschwader (German Minesweeper Sqdn)
3rd MP Bn
3rd Naval Construction Battalion
3rd Naval Construction Brigade
3rd Naval District
3rd Naval Expeditionary Logistics Regiment (3rd NELR)
3rd Radio Battalion
3rd Recon Bn
3rd Shore Party Bn
3rd Supply Bn
3rd Surveillance Reconnaissance Intelligence Group (3rd SRIG)
3rd Tank Bn
405th Civil Affairs Battalion (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
414th Civil Affairs Battalion (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
42nd Military Police Brigade (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
438th Air Expeditionary Wing (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
43rd Area Support Group (43d ASG) (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
43rd Military Police Brigade (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
43rd Sustainment Brigade (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
452nd Flying Training Squadron
45th Sustainment Brigade (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
48th Naval Construction Battalion
4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment (4th ADA)
4th Amphibious Assault Battalion (AAV)
4th Anglico
4th BCT, 2nd Infantry Division (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
4th Bn, 10th Marine Regiment (4/10)
4th Bn, 11th Marine Regiment (4/11)
4th Bn, 12th Marine Regiment (4/12)
4th Bn, 14th Marine Regiment (4/14)
4th CAG
4th Combat Engineer Bn
4th Dental Bn
4th FSSG
4th Infantry Division (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
4th LAAM Battalion
4th LAR Bn
4th Marine Aircraft Wing
4th Marine Aircraft Wing (4th MAW)
4th Marine Amphibious Brigade
4th Marine Corps District
4th Marine Division
4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
4th Marine Regiment
4th MEB/Anti-Terrorism (AT) Bn
4th Medical Bn
4th Naval District
4th Recon Bn
4th Separate Medical Co
4th Tank Bn
4th Tank Bn Company F
4th Tank Bn Company E
504th Military Intelligence Brigade (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
50th Naval Construction Battalion
524th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (Airborne) (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
52nd Flying Training Squadron
52nd Ordnance Group (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
53rd Infantry Brigade (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
54th Naval Construction Battalion
55th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
562nd Flying Training Squadron
58th Naval Construction Battalion
59th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
5th Bn, 10th Marine Regiment (5/10)
5th Bn, 11th Marine Regiment (5/11)
5th Bn, 14th Marine Regiment (5/14)
5th Force Recon Co
5th Marine Division
5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (5th MEB)
5th Marine Regiment
5th Medical Battalion
5th Minensuchgeschwader (German Minesweeper Sqdn)
5th Naval District
5th Navy Expeditionary Logistics Regiment
5th Special Naval Construction Battalion
5th Squadron 7th Cavalry Regiment
63rd Naval Construction Battalion
63rd Ordnance Battalion (EOD) (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
6513th Test Squadron
66th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
67th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
6911th Security Squadron
69th Naval Construction Battalion
6th Communications Battalion
6th Engineer Battalion
6th Engineer Support Battalion
6th Marine Corps District
6th Marine Division
6th Marine Regiment
6th Motor Transport Bn (6th MT)
6th Naval Construction Battalion
6th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
6th Naval District
6th Special Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
6th Squadron 9th Cavalry Regiment
70th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
71st Flying Training Wing
71st Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
727th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
73rd Naval Construction Battalion
76th Naval Construction Battalion
77th Naval Construction Battalion
78th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
7th Communications Bn
7th Engineer Bn (Rein)
7th Engineer Support Battalion
7th Marine Regiment
7th Motor Transport Bn
7th Naval District
7th Special Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
81st Naval Construction Battalion
82nd Airborne Division (Individual Augmentation Assignment)
82nd Sustainment Brigade/510th HRC
833rd Transportation Battalion
849 Squadron RN
84th Engineer Company
84th Ordnance Battalion (EOD)
85th Naval Construction Battalion
86th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
87th Naval Construction Battalion
88th Naval Construction Battalion
89th Naval Construction Battalion
8th Army
8th Communications Battalion
8th Engineer Bn
8th Engineer Support Bn
8th Flying Training Squadron
8th Marine Corps District
8th Marine Regiment
8th Naval Construction Battalion
8th Naval District
90th Naval Construction Battalion
90th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
92nd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
92nd Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
94th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
99th Field Artillery Battalion
99th Naval Construction Battalion (NCB)
9th Communications Battalion
9th Engineer Bn
9th Engineer Support Bn
9th Engineering Support Battalion (9th ESB)
9th Marine Corps District
9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
9th Marine Regiment
9th Naval District
A Company
A Company
AC/S Facilities (Public Works)
Academic Programs Directorate
Academics Department (Faculty Staff) LDO/CWO Indoctrination School
Academics Department (Staff) Aviation Officer Candidate School (AOCS)
Academics Department (Staff) Naval Dental School, Bethesda, MD
Academics Department (Staff) Naval Postgraduate Dental School
Academics Department (Staff) Naval School of Health Care Administration
Academics Department (Staff) Naval School of Hospital Administration (Staff)
Academics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology (Staff)
Acorn 24
Acorn 24
Acorn 8
Acorn Red One (Carrier Aircraft Service Unit)
Admin Section
Administrative Command 7th Amphibious Forces Pacific (ADCOM7THPHIB)
Administrative Command, NTC Great Lakes
Administrative Command, Public Information Office
Administrative Support Unit Southwest Asia Bahrain
Admiral Joel T. Boone BHC
Advance Base Functional Component (ABFC)
Advanced Base Receiving Barracks (ABRB)
Advanced Electronics Schools Department (Staff) San Diego
Advanced Maritime Projects Office (AMPO)
Advanced Supply Base 110 (Large)
Advanced Tactical Support Base (ATSB) Cua Viet
Advanced Tactical Support Base (ATSB) Moc Hoa
Advanced Tactical Support Base (ATSB) Phu Cuong
Advanced Tactical Support Base (ATSB) Song Ong Doc
Advanced Tactical Support Base (ATSB) Vinh Gia
Advanced Tactical Support Base SOLID ANCHOR (ATSB)
Advanced Training Unit 105 (ATU-105)
Advanced Training Command
Advanced Training Unit 102 (ATU-102)
Advanced Training Unit 200 (ATU-200)
Advanced Training Unit 201 (ATU-201)
Advanced Training Unit 206 (ATU-206)
Advanced Training Unit 212 (ATU-212)
Advanced Training Unit 213 (ATU-213)
Advanced Training Unit 222 (ATU-222)
Advanced Training Unit 223 (ATU-223)
Advanced Training Unit 402 (ATU-402)
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