Kephart, Jason, EODC

Explosive Ordnance Disposal
 Service Photo   Service Details
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Service Status
USN Veteran
Final Rank
Chief Petty Officer
Last NEC
EOD-5335-Active Senior EOD Technician
Last NEC Group
Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Primary Unit
2003-2003, EOD-5335, EOD Mobile Unit 2 (EODMU 2), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two (EODGRU TWO)
Previously Held NEC
GM-0000-Gunner's Mate
Service Years
1993 - 2004
EOD-Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Three Hash Marks

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Working for the US State Department


  1993-1997, GM-0000, USS Monongahela (AO-178)

GM-Gunner's Mate

From Month/Year
- / 1993

To Month/Year
- / 1997

USS Monongahela (AO-178) Unit Page

Petty Officer Second Class

GM-0000-Gunner's Mate

Base, Station or City
Not Specified

Not Specified
 USS Monongahela (AO-178) Details

USS Monongahela (AO-178)
Hull number AO-178

Surface Vessel

Parent Unit
Surface Vessels


Created/Owned By
QM Anderson, Scott, QM1(SW) 

Last Updated: Oct 11, 2007
My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
212 Members Also There at Same Time
USS Monongahela (AO-178)

Johnson, Edmond, PO1, (1983-2003) GM GM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Strait, Bob, CDR, (1980-2003) OFF 111X Lieutenant Commander
Dixner, Phil, LT, (1992-1995) OFF 111X Lieutenant
Green, Mary, LCDR, (1987-2007) OFF 111X Lieutenant
Stone, Henry, LT, (1976-1997) OFF 111X Lieutenant
Miller, Patricia, CDR, (1975-2011) OFF 230X Lieutenant Junior Grade
Murrell, Douglas, LT, (1987-2001) OFF 110X Ensign
Alsept, Karen, SCPO, (1982-2004) EN EN-4333 Chief Petty Officer
Cooper, Sherry, CPO, (1977-1997) EN EN-9517 Chief Petty Officer
Heard, Noble, CPO, (1977-2000) ET ET-1572 Chief Petty Officer
Hodges, William, CWO3, (1982-2012) 00 9517 Chief Petty Officer
Moshier, Paul, CPO, (1980-2000) MS MS-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Santiago, Ed, MCPO, (1985-Present) MA MA-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Stille, Glynn, CPO, (1972-1997) EM EM-4671 Chief Petty Officer
Ware, Susan, CPO, (1983-2005) RM RM-2318 Chief Petty Officer
White, Deanna, CPO, (1980-2004) PN PN-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Anderson, Scott, PO1, (1981-2001) QM QM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Blide, David, PO1, (1984-1998) MM MM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Brannon, Nancie, PO1, (1979-1999) HM HM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Fruge, James, CPO, (1979-2000) ET ET-9615 Petty Officer First Class
Greer, Duane, PO1, (1975-1995) BT BT-4505 Petty Officer First Class
Harry, Sarah, MCPO, (1985-2008) SH SH-3111 Petty Officer First Class
Hensley, Kat, PO1, (1984-2004) NC NC-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Herbert, Danny, PO1, (1987-2007) OFF 1710 Petty Officer First Class
Hoggarth, Richard, CPO, (1983-2003) SM SM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Holly, Sue, CPO, (1984-2004) IT IT-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Horn, Ruth, PO1, (1979-1999) HM HM-8425 Petty Officer First Class
Kelley, Timothy, CPO, (1986-2007) ET ET-1504 Petty Officer First Class
Wold, Joshua, PO3, (1994-1998) BM OS-0170 Petty Officer First Class
Blanchard, Perry, PO2, (1990-1997) YN YN-2516 Petty Officer Second Class
Bryant, Donna, PO1, (1983-2004) SK SK-2814 Petty Officer Second Class
Carman, Rita, CMDCM, (1992-Present) MM MM-4291 Petty Officer Second Class
Combs, William, SCPO, (1988-2017) SM SM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Costa, Anthony, SCPO, (1990-2012) BM BM-0164 Petty Officer Second Class
Courtade, Michelle, PO2, (1994-1998) DC DC-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Grant, Ethel, CPO, (1981-2005) RM RM-2313 Petty Officer Second Class
Grell, Lillie, PO1, (1987-2007) BT BT-4533 Petty Officer Second Class
Harris, Marlon, PO1, (1993-Present) BM BM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Hogan, Sharon, PO2, (1988-1994) MM MM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Hubbard, Marundo, PO1, (1988-2000) RM RM-2321 Petty Officer Second Class
Jenkins, David, PO1, (1987-Present) EM EM-4668 Petty Officer Second Class
Jenkins, David, CPO, (1987-2012) EM EM-4668 Petty Officer Second Class
Johnson, Kimberly, PO1, (1989-2009) MS MS-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Little, Roderick, LCDR, (1987-Present) BM BM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Lively, Barry, PO2, (1992-1998) EM EM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
McClary, Denita, PO1, (1996-2008) OS OS-0342 Petty Officer Second Class
Mullins, James, PO1, (1988-2008) HT HT-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Murray, Timothy, PO1, (1994-2008) SH SH-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Price, Stacie, PO2, (1985-1993) ET ET-1452 Petty Officer Second Class
Quinones-Doyle, Edward, LCDR, (1988-2019) BM BM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Ratliff, Charles, CPO, (1984-2008) MA MA-9545 Petty Officer Second Class
Rittenour, James, PO1, (1988-2008) RM RM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Schiffert Gee, Tamara, PO2, (1987-1993) SM SM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Shigekane, Dale, CDR, (1991-2017) EM EM-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Turnage, Dale, PO2, (1987-1998) IC IC-4746 Petty Officer Second Class
Alsabrook, Joy, CPO, (1990-2016) PS PS-0000 Petty Officer Third Class
Bitzel, Nikki, PO3, (1989-1993) QM QM-0000 Petty Officer Third Class
Bolton, Kelvin, PO3, (1990-1993) MM MM-0000 Petty Officer Third Class
Brooks Sr., Andrew, PO1, (1996-2005) QM QM-0000 Petty Officer Third Class

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