Sanders, Arnold, MT1

Missile Technician
 Service Photo   Service Details
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Current Service Status
USN Retired
Current/Last Rank
Petty Officer First Class
Current/Last Primary NEC
MT-3313-Poseidon Technician
Current/Last Rating/NEC Group
Missile Technician
Primary Unit
1991-1992, MT-3313, Polaris Missile Facility Atlantic (POMFLANT)
Previously Held NEC
ET-0000-Electronics Technician
MT-3318-Polaris Missle Tech
MT-0000-Missile Technician
Service Years
1971 - 1992
MT-Missile Technician
Four Hash Marks

 Official Badges 

U.S. Navy Master-at-Arms US Navy Retired 20 US Navy Honorable Discharge US Air Force Honorable Discharge

 Unofficial Badges 

Order of the Shellback Cold War Medal Order of the Golden Dragon Blue Star

Cold War Veteran Cold War Veteran Did the Ditch (Suez Canal) Excellence Award Weapons

Efficiency Excellence Award

  1990-1990, MT-3313, USS Holland (AS-32)

MT-Missile Technician

From Month/Year
- / 1990

To Month/Year
- / 1990

USS Holland (AS-32) Unit Page

Petty Officer First Class

MT-3313-Poseidon Technician

Base, Station or City

South Carolina
 USS Holland (AS-32) Details

USS Holland (AS-32)
Hull number AS-32

Surface Vessel

Parent Unit

Tender/ Repair Ship

Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Oct 2, 2007
My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
246 Members Also There at Same Time
USS Holland (AS-32)

Kiley, Tom, CPO, (1977-1999) MT MT-3313 Chief Petty Officer
Pantano, Steve, PO3, (1984-1990) MT MT-3313 Petty Officer Third Class
Renfro, Mark, PO3, (1985-1991) MT MT-3313 Petty Officer Third Class
Frost, Duane, CMDCM, (1974-2004) MT MT-3310 Chief Petty Officer
Johnson, Thomas, PO1, (1971-1991) MT MT-3315 Petty Officer First Class
Small, Kent, PO3, (1985-1991) MT GS-1314 Petty Officer Third Class
Bowman, Frank Lee "Skip", ADM, (1966-2004) OFF 112X Captain
Bodenschatz, Robert, CDR, (1981-2006) OFF 310X Lieutenant
Bowen, Bill, LT, (1976-1985) OFF 112X Lieutenant
Morawiec, Steve, LT, (1974-1996) OFF 628X Lieutenant
Morawiec, Steve, LT, (1974-1996) OFF 628X Lieutenant
Mosley, David, LT, (1971-1992) OFF 623X Lieutenant
Rodgers, Joseph, LCDR, (1969-1999) OFF 626X Lieutenant
Swartz, John, CWO4, (1967-1995) OFF 612X Lieutenant
Santomauro, Richard, LCDR, (1972-2003) OFF 629X Lieutenant Junior Grade
Creasy, Forrest, CWO3, (1972-1994) WO 724X Chief Warrant Officer 3
Rogers, Don, CWO4, (1971-2001) OFF 720X Chief Warrant Officer 3
Albert, James, MCPO, (1964-1994) ET ET-3328 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Brown, Ronald, SCPO, (1980-2001) EM EM-4621 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Burke, Bill, SCPO, (1970-1991) ET ET-3324 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Burke, Scott, SCPO, (1975-1993) MM MM-4262 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Knight, Larry, SCPO, (1969-1993) HT HT-4955 Senior Chief Petty Officer
O'Shaughnessy, Michael, CWO2, (1974-1999) OM OM-0000 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Allen, John, CPO, (1965-1992) GM GM-0891 Chief Petty Officer
Anania, Teri, MCPO, (1978-2002) NC NC-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Clarke, Patrick, CPO, (1976-1996) PC PC-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Evangelista, Dante, CPO, (1973-1993) EN EN-4333 Chief Petty Officer
Granno, Dominic, SCPO, (1975-2005) HT HT-4946 Chief Petty Officer
Porter, Michiel, CPO, (1981-1997) HT HT-4941 Chief Petty Officer
Stone, Michael, SCPO, (1968-1990) HT HT-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Taylor, Lloyd, CPO, (1969-1991) DC DC-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Whaley, Daniel, CPO, (1968-1992) LI LI-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Hall, Robert, CPO, (1972-1994) IC IC-4716 Chief Petty Officer
Bacon, Dan, SCPO, (1985-2005) MM MM-3366 Petty Officer First Class
Bush, Eddy, PO1, (1978-1992) DS DS-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Campbell, Jose, PO1, (1968-1992) IM IM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Cassatt, Douglas, PO1, (1972-1992) PH PH-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Fahit, Robert, PO1, (1973-1993) MM MM-4204 Petty Officer First Class
Gallagher, Mark, PO1, (1975-1993) WT WT-1026 Petty Officer First Class
Goldbach, Gordon, PO1, (1975-1995) 00 9581 Petty Officer First Class
Hamilton, Robert, PO1, (1986-1992) EM EM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Hammond, Eugene, PO1, (1977-1991) EM EM-9502 Petty Officer First Class
Huckaba, Randy, CMDCM, (1985-Present) MM MM-3376 Petty Officer First Class
Imholt, Andrew, CPO, (1981-2005) OM OM-1918 Petty Officer First Class
Kirby, M., PO1, (1981-2001) SK SK-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Lacey, Kevin, SCPO, (1981-2003) RM RM-23MZ Petty Officer First Class
Mohan, Kevin, PO1, (1979-1994) HM HM-8404 Petty Officer First Class
Montijo, Mike, CPO, (1982-2003) FT FT-1196 Petty Officer First Class
Mott, Stan, PO1, (1984-2007) ET ET-3373 Petty Officer First Class
Piscopo, Anthony, PO1, (1985-1993) EM EM-3364 Petty Officer First Class
Reichert, Anton, SCPO, (1984-2019) SK SK-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Sapp, Livia, PO1, (1983-2003) SH SH-3111 Petty Officer First Class
Sharpe, Lorraine, PO1, (1980-1990) WT WT-1026 Petty Officer First Class
Singleton, James, PO1, (1981-1996) PM PM-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Aristizabal, Juan, PO1, (1985-2005) EM EM-4650 Petty Officer Second Class
Clark, Walter, SCPO, (1984-2011) ET ET-3324 Petty Officer Second Class
Cole, Brenda, PO2, (1985-1992) TM TM-0748 Petty Officer Second Class
Cornelius, Chris, SCPO, (1986-2006) ET ET-3326 Petty Officer Second Class
Covarrubia, Richard, PO1, (1984-1993) EM EM-4621 Petty Officer Second Class

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