Photo Album of Biwerse, Denis, LCDR
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from  1930-1934, US Naval Academy Annapolis (Faculty Staff)  album
DENIS HARRY BIWERSE "Denny" Sheboygan, Wis. We shall never forget Denny, for he has always managed to find a way to brighten up our darkest hours. How well we remember those last second dashes to formation with their ample proof of athletic prowess, and his half second lag in the step. How well we remember his sunny disposition and his invariable good humor. Never has he been known to "gripe" and never has he been known to be anything but cheerful. His mild nature has made Denny the victim of many a practical joke and some "running," but, from the first of Plebe Year, he has come up smiling. Denny came to the Naval Academy after attending the Culver Naval School, and he immediately showed his proficiency in both rifle shooting and seamanship During his four years he has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for industry and it is doubtful if any have made better use of their time than Denny, He claims to be a Red Mike but we well recall those weekends of Youngster Year which rarely found him stagging. As we remember it, that certain drag was always the same charming one, thus giving us grounds for our suspicions. Denny has more than once proved himself a real pal and is one of those scarce few who can always be relied on to perform that detestable task of standing our weekend watch when the O. A. O. is coming down. Good luck, Denny, we know we shall hear from you in the future. Wrestling 4, 2. Boxing 1. Reef Points 2, 1.
posted By Biwerse, Denis, LCDR
Dec 21, 2011

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