Photo Album of Reich, Eli T.., VADM
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2nd Navy Cross - 1944
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from  Navy Cross - 1944  album
REICH, ELI THOMAS (Second Award) Citation: The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Navy Cross to Eli Thomas Reich, Commander, U.S. Navy, for gallantry and intrepidity and distinguished service in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. SEALION (SS-315), on the SECOND War Patrol of that submarine during the period 17 August 1944 to 30 September 1944, in enemy controlled waters of the Luzon Straits. Commander Reich skillfully launched smashing torpedo attacks which resulted in the sinking of a 2,300-ton enemy destroyer, two large tankers and three large transports for a total of 51,700 tons. Later in the search for additional enemy shipping, his exceptional alertness enabled him to discover and rescue 54 British and Australian prisoners of war when the ship in which they were being transported from Singapore to the Japanese Empire was sunk. His skillful evasive tactics enabled him to escape enemy counter-attacks without damage to his ship and his outstanding resourcefulness in providing for the care of the sick and wounded survivors rendered it possible for all to reach port safely. Commander Reich's inspiring leadership and the valiant devotion to duty of his command contributed in large measure to the outstanding success of these vital missions and reflect great credit upon the United States Naval Service. Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin No. 346 (January 1946) Born: March 20, 1913 at New York, New York Home Town: Washington, D.C. Awards: 3@ Navy Crosses (WWII)
posted By Reich, Eli T.., VADM
Nov 25, 2008

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