Photo Album of Loomis, Steven, IC3
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1573 -1584 of 1632 images
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American Big Boy Hamburgers on Tudo in Saigon
1580 of 1632
from  1970-1971, Commander, US Naval Forces Vietnam (COMNAVFORV)  album
So far from home and there on Tudo Street in Saigon was a Big Boy hamburger joint. The prices must be in piastres, 10p = 3 cents, so a 90p cheeseburger would have been 27 cents not 90 cents US. This was at a time when we paid 10 cents for a pack of cigarettes at the PX. Anyhow, the Big Boy was operated by an American GI who had returned to Saigon. Just down the street was the Blue Diamond, a French restaurant operated by a French guy for many of the same reasons. Another popular hamburger joint was the USO which was only a block away on Nguyen Hue Blvd. Photos by Rusty Jones. A friend of mine who spent three of his four year in the Navy in Saigon (1970). I found this note: In November, '67 a Big Boy hamburger restaurant opened and has been a smashing success. The 'burgers are about 6 or 7 inches in width and sell for 90 cents. (I think that price is too high, but that was what the newspaper article said. From: The Salina Journal, 21 January 1968, on page 10)
posted By Loomis, Steven, IC3
Aug 3, 2008

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