Photo Album of Loomis, Steven, IC3
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1621 -1632 of 1632 images
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Plaque, Saigon RVN: HAI-QUAN navy CONG-XUONG shipyard
1621 of 1632
from  1970-1971, SN-9740, Vietnamese Naval Shipyard (VNNSY), Naval Advisory Group Vietnam  album
This is my favorite plaque. It shows the dry-dock and crane in the Vietnamese Naval Shipyard, Saigon. The dry-dock was an important project for the French government in the mid 1880's and over the years it proved itself invaluable. When I was working there, 1970/71 it was still the only real dry dock between Singapore and Hong Kong. Anything that wouldn't fit needed to go to the Philippines for repair. This 1" thick aluminum plaque was cast in the foundry of the shipyard across from our offices. The flag on the mast of the ship is the flag of the Republic of Viet-Nam, RVN (South Vietnam). Hải Quận Cong Xuong means Navy Shipyard.
posted By Loomis, Steven, IC3
Oct 9, 2008

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