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Result: Found 13 Member(s)
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NEC Name Status Rank Served
HMCramer, Robert ClarenceHMCS
HMEllis, Thomas, IIIHMCS
AMGlime, ByronAMC
CMCHartman, Daniel (Master Blaster)CMDCM
OFFIrving, David (Dancin Bear {Irv})CWO4
NCKjenaas, Thomas (KJ)NCC
ATMiller, JoATC
ABHPalmer, TerryABH1
HMRichardson, MichaelHMCS
RMRueckert, BobRMCS
AMESchwartz, Michael (Soaky)AMEC
MAWallace, JohnMACS
YNWelsh, Leslie (Lips)YNC
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