Naval Enlisted Reserve Association (NERA) Military National
Administered By : Diemert, Vincent, ITCS 450 

Reunion Information
Naval Enlisted Reserve Association (NERA)
Association Type
Military National


Contact Phone Number

Contact Email
Year Established

Short Name
HQ Address
6703 Farragut Avenue
Falls Church, VA 22042-2189


The Naval Enlisted Reserve Association - (NERA) - Since 1957, NERA has been responsible for many of the pay and benefits that reservists enjoy today!

Our Primary Mission - to serve the ENLISTED RESERVIST of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.  We also support retirees, Full-Time Support (FTS) and others joining as associate members as well as the families of our enlisted sea service reservists.

Why NERA? Today, more than at any other time, Reserve enlisted members are being called upon more often to serve our nation placing strain on families as well as civilian careers.

We Listen - NERA has taken hundreds of beneficial suggestions over the years from our members and presented them to many government agencies.  In addition, NERA works with all senior enlisted advisors ensuring that your voice is heard.  You asked to have your social security number removed from the reserve ID cards.  NERA made that happen.

Strength in Numbers.  NERA works on Capitol Hill, the Pentagon, with the Department of Defense, Department of Veteran's Affairs, works with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Department of Homeland security as well and other government agencies to protect your benefits and compensation, your family, your health care and your retirement.

Join Today! Ensure your voice is added to they many.  Join us to continue the success and the fight to keep your benefits strong.

Direct Reporting All Chapters  
Magic City Chapter (Bessemer, AL) Chapter 201.066 (Mobile, AL)
San Francisco Chapter (San Francisco, CA) Windy City Chapter (Chicago, IL)
Wichita Chapter (Wichita, KS) AR-5 Vulcan Chapter (Brownstown, MI)
Minnesota Chapter (MN) CAPT Richard A. Stratton Chapter (Springfield, MO)
Gateway Chapter (St,. Louis, MO) Floyd Bennett Chapter (Long Island, NY)
Greater New York Chapter (New York, NY) David Floyd Chapter (Cincinnati, OH)
Greater Lehigh Valley Chapter (Bethlehem, PA) Oliver Hazard Perry Chapter (Erie, PA)
League Island Chapter (Philadelphia, PA) Delaware Valley (The First Chapter) (Williow Grove, PA)

Association Photos
Member Association

Association News and Events  
2012 Scholarship Program Information
Date Event
Feb 2, 2012


6703 Farragut Avenue
Falls Church, Virginia 22042-2189

The Naval Enlisted Reserve Association (NERA) offers a College Scholarship Program for NERA members and members of their family.

NERA scholarship program recognizes the service to the United States and sacrifices by Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Reserve component members, retirees and their families. This program is sponsored though substantial grant funding from USAA Insurance ( and additional donations from NERA and its members. NERA reserves the right to modify or discontinue the scholarship program at any future date should funding not be available.

Two $3,000 scholarships for Regular NERA Members.
Four $2,500 scholarships for any Regular or Associate NERA member or any spouse, son, daughter or grandchild of a regular NERA member. Children and grandchildren must be unmarried and under age 23.

To be eligible for the scholarship the applicant must be either a NERA member, regular or associate. NERA members may also sponsor a qualified applicant: a spouse, son, daughter or grandchild. Sponsored children and grandchildren must be unmarried and under age 23 on 4 June 2012.

In order to qualify for the scholarship the applicant or sponsor must be a member in good standing by the scholarship deadline, 4 June 2012. Members must have their dues paid up to date and new memberships must be paid in full by the scholarship deadline, 4 June 2012. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility please contact NERA at 800 776-9020 or by email at

Scholarship applicants may be either graduating high school seniors or students already attending a college or university.

Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll, full-time or part-time in the fall semester immediately following award of the scholarship. Enrollment may be in any undergraduate program leading to a bachelor’s degree or associate’s degree at an accredited college or university.
The NERA Scholarship can be awarded in addition to any other partial scholarship, including a ROTC Scholarship. Those applicants already in possession of an appointment to a U.S. service academy or receiving a "full scholarship" to any accredited college or university are not eligible. A "full scholarship" is usually defined as one that provides for payment of tuition, books, lab fees, and university supplied dormitory room and board.

Eligible students – must attend undergraduate level studies at a college, university or junior/community college that confers a bachelors’ degree or associate’s degree, on a full or part time status as established by the school accepting the scholarship funds. The school must be approved for Title IV funds under the U.S. Higher Education Act and accredited as determined by the U.S. Department of Education.
Academic programs involving a second undergraduate or graduate school degree are not eligible. The scholarships cannot be deferred for future use and must be used for educational expenses incurred during the immediately forthcoming academic year (except in the case of a recipient being deployed prior to the academic year beginning – the scholarship recipient will have to provide proof of having been enrolled or accepted for fall classes).

Once notified of the scholarship award, the scholarship awardees will have to inform NERA of the name of the academic institution in which they are enrolled. The scholarship check will only be made payable to the educational institution.
Scholarship awards are made without regard to race, creed, color, sex, religious belief, national origin or rank of the member, reservist or sponsor. This program is administered by the Naval Enlisted Reserve Association through its scholarship committee. All selection decisions are final and all applicant contact information is provided to USAA Insurance.
NERA assumes no responsibility for applications or supporting documentation not received at its office or not received in a timely manner.

NERA does not assume responsibility for items mailed to its office address with insufficient postage and subsequently returned to the applicant by the postal service or other delivery services. All correspondence to the student will be sent to the address listed on the application until a change is received in writing. NERA does not assume responsibility for letters from NERA not delivered to the applicant. All changes to information furnished to NERA must be submitted in writing. Electronic mail messages and fax messages will not be accepted.
Applicants who submit an application that is not complete, does not contain all of the required documentation or does not follow the application format will be disqualified from consideration for a scholarship.

The application must be received at our office by close of business (2:30 PM Eastern) before or on the final day applications close. No fax, email or electronic submissions will be accepted.

Applicants must provide their permanent home address, not their college address, on the front page of the application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to notify NERA of any change of address.

NERA will notify recipients by letter on or about August 15 of the application year.

SEVEN copies of the application form, along with SEVEN copies of the transcripts, and SEVEN copies of the required essay must be submitted by the deadline.

The deadline for completed 2012 Scholarship Applications is 4 June 2012, 2:30pm (EST).
Do NOT fold any application submission item. You may paper clip together the entire package – or place in a plain letter size manila file folder. DO NOT STAPLE THE PAPERS TOGETHER.

Submit SEVEN copies of the application package in a single flat envelope in the following order:

1. College Scholarship Application Form Pages 1 through 3 (plus any supplemental pages, if added).
2. Optional: High School (Application Form Page 4) or College/University Transcript Form (Application Form Page 5) with Transcripts included; at the preference of the school, the form and transcripts may be mailed directly to NERA – see instructions on the respective forms.
3. Essay
The application package may be sent by U.S. mail or an overnight delivery service. If using an overnight delivery service, please note that our office is open from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM - please instruct the delivery service. You may call our offices to confirm delivery arrival. We suggest submitting the application package before the advertised deadline date.
If academic information is being sent directly to us by the school, the applicant is responsible for making sure the information is received at our office by the deadline date. You may call our offices to confirm if the information was received.

Please send the assembled submission package to:
6703 Farragut Avenue
Falls Church, Virginia 22042-2189

Should you have any questions about the scholarships, please telephone NERA headquarters at 1 800 776-9020 between the hours of 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM (Eastern).


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