Farmer, K. Dwayne, FTM2

Fire Control Technician Surface Missile Fire Control
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Service Status
USN Veteran
Final Rank
Petty Officer Second Class
Last NEC
FTM-0000-Fire Control Technician Missile
Last NEC Group
Fire Control Technician Surface Missile Fire Control
Primary Unit
1979-1982, FT-0000, USS America (CV-66)
Previously Held NEC
FT-0000-Fire Control Technician
Service Years
1977 - 1983
Official/Unofficial US Navy Certificates
Neptune Subpoena
Order of the Ditch
Order of the Shellback
Suez Canal
FTM-Fire Control Technician Surface Missile Fire Control
One Hash Mark

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

  1979-1982, FT-0000, USS America (CV-66)

FT-Fire Control Technician

From Month/Year
- / 1979

To Month/Year
- / 1982

USS America (CV-66) Unit Page

Petty Officer Second Class

FT-0000-Fire Control Technician

Base, Station or City

 USS America (CV-66) Details

USS America (CV-66)
November - Uniform - Sierra - Alpha
Tactical Voice Radio Call: "COURAGE"

Displacement 60,300 Tons, Dimensions, 1047' 6" (oa) x 129' 4" x 37' (Max)
Armament 4 Terrier-SAM, 100 Aircraft.
Armor, Unknown.
Machinery, 280,000 SHP; G.E. Geared Turbines, 4 screws
Speed, 34 Knots, Crew 4154-4580.

Operational and Building Data

Laid down by Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Corp. 1 January 1961. Name assigned 16 January 1962. Launched 1 February 1964 and commissioned 23 January 1965.

Reclassified as a Multi-purpose Aircraft Carrier (CV-66) on 30 June 1975.

Fate: Decommissioned and stricken on 9 August 1996. Sunk in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Virginia coast, on 14 May 2005, after 25 days of tests consisting of underwater and surface simulated attacks on the ship. These tests were intended to provide valuable data on survivability for the next generation of aircraft carriers.

According to the December 4, 2006 issue of "Navy Times," ex-America was in one piece and sitting on its keel, some 476 miles east of Charleston, SC, and about 400 miles west of Bermuda, and 16,860 feet (5,139 meters) below the surface. This information was obtained by the USS America Carrier Veterans Association on October 30, through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Surface Vessel

Parent Unit
Kitty Hawk-class

Aircraft Carrier

Created/Owned By
MM Summers, Nicole Marie. (minnie mouse), MMFN 105

Last Updated: May 1, 2009
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
Dale Ballard, Herman Chalmers,

Chain of Command
Ensign Mumford, Senior Chief Talbot

My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
630 Members Also There at Same Time
USS America (CV-66)

Cotner, Graham, PO1, (1978-1987) FT FT-0000 Petty Officer Second Class
Gribbins, Jerome, CPO, (1976-1990) FT FT-0000 Petty Officer Third Class
Hartman, Charles, PO3, (1978-1982) FT FT-0000 Petty Officer Third Class
Reis, Tony, PO2, (1977-1983) FT FT-1119 Petty Officer Second Class
Thornton, David, PO2, (1978-1992) MS MS-0000 [Other Service Rank]
Parrott, Ralph, CAPT, (1963-1990) OFF 310X Commander
Culwell, Joe, CDR, (1968-1988) OFF 132X Lieutenant Commander
Lerseth, Roger G., CDR, (1969-1994) OFF 612X Lieutenant Commander
Tootle, Dan, LCDR, (1962-1984) OFF 130X Lieutenant Commander
Ford, Charles, CDR, (1981-1995) OFF 250X Lieutenant
Goldstein, Alan, LCDR, (1968-1994) OFF 165X Lieutenant
Gorie, Dominic L. Pudwill, CAPT, (1979-2005) OFF 131X Lieutenant
Green, David, CDR, (1966-1991) OFF 132X Lieutenant
Jones, Jerry, LT, (1975-1987) OFF 111X Lieutenant
Moore, William, LT, (1977-1986) OFF 111X Lieutenant
Nerheim, Steven, CAPT, (1968-2005) OFF 111X Lieutenant
Schmidt, Robert, LT, (1979-1986) OFF 132X Lieutenant
Sciancalepore, Michael, LCDR, (1970-1997) OFF 651X Lieutenant
Thomas, Steven, CDR, (1977-1999) OFF 410X Lieutenant
VIllanueva, Felix, CAPT, (1982-2003) OFF 410X Lieutenant
Bertrand, Shelton, LCDR, (1966-1989) OFF 00X Lieutenant Junior Grade
Laughlin, Richard, LCDR, (1963-1995) OFF 651X Lieutenant Junior Grade
Parron, Jim, CWO4, (1966-1991) OFF 618X Lieutenant Junior Grade
Whitaker, Alexander, CAPT, (1981-2007) OFF 163X Lieutenant Junior Grade
Martin, John, CDR, (1968-1998) OFF 616X Ensign
Parish, Benjamin, LT, (1965-1987) OFF 613X Ensign
Reeve, Kirk, CAPT, (1976-2007) OFF 111X Ensign
Ballentine, John, PO3, (1973-1979) DS DS-1665 Other Service Rank
Cawthon, Roy, CPO, (1979-2000) AO 8286 Other Service Rank
Ramirez, Roland, (1982-1985) MS MS-0000 Other Service Rank
Gorman, Fred, CWO4, (1950-1989) OFF 738X Chief Warrant Officer 4
Hamather, Fred M., CWO3, (1965-1986) PS 741X Chief Warrant Officer 3
Matthews, Fred, CWO4, (1961-1988) OFF 711X Chief Warrant Officer 3
Duncan, Gilbert, MCPO, (1956-1983) SM SM-0000 Master Chief Petty Officer
Gary, Walter, MCPO, (1959-1990) PR PR-0000 Master Chief Petty Officer
Mohr, Michael, MCPO, (1961-1984) SH SH-3111 Master Chief Petty Officer
Elliott, Richard, SCPO, (1955-1987) MM MM-4204 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Senior, Charles, MCPO, (1962-1983) AK AK-0000 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Storm, Henry, LCDR, (1963-1996) AB ABF-0000 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Boyd, James, SCPO, (1970-1996) AK AK-8012 Chief Petty Officer
Cardoso, Sergio, CPO, (1982-2007) BM BM-9502 Chief Petty Officer
Cortinas, Jesus, CPO, (1977-1999) AO AO-8327 Chief Petty Officer
Courtney, Frank, MCPO, (1963-1985) CT CT-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Drake, Frank, CMDCM, (1962-1990) AK AK-8012 Chief Petty Officer
Ewert, Pete, CPO, (1965-1986) AC AC-6902 Chief Petty Officer
Kaplan, Larry, MCPO, (1975-1995) AB ABE-0000 Chief Petty Officer
Meehan, John, CPO, (1975-1992) HM HM-8425 Chief Petty Officer
Powell, Chris, SCPO, (1972-1995) AW AW-7831 Chief Petty Officer
Reich, Rod, LT, (1975-2002) GM GMT-0926 Chief Petty Officer
Scott, Michael, CPO, (1972-1995) AB ABE-7005 Chief Petty Officer
Senior, Ernest, MCPO, (1968-1998) BT BT-4503 Chief Petty Officer
Simmons, Jesse, CPO, (1961-1981) NC NC-9589 Chief Petty Officer
Aldrich, John, CWO4, (1972-1997) AO AO-0000 Petty Officer First Class
Anderson, Albert, PO1, (1970-1990) 00 8241 Petty Officer First Class
Barbutti, Pete, PO1, (1975-1982) TD TD-9502 Petty Officer First Class
Bechtel, Michael, PO1, (1977-1986) ET ET-1574 Petty Officer First Class
Bollinger, William, PO1, (1975-1982) DS DS-1654 Petty Officer First Class
Copas, Bryan, MCPO, (1976-1997) DS DS-1656 Petty Officer First Class
Daniels, Stephen, SCPO, (1965-1993) AQ AQF-8324 Petty Officer First Class

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