Photo Album of Mottern, Carl, AW1
181 - 192 of 224 images
of 19
181 -192 of 224 images
of 19

USS Barry With HS-15 Helo Delivering Mail
183 of 224
from  1976-1979, AW-7872, HS-15 Red Lions  album
I was an aspiring photographer then and guess I still am. I had originally tried to join the Navy as a PH but was told the rate was closed. I took many of my own, as well as "Official Navy Photos" while flying. This is probably the best photo I ever shot. The CO of Barry had contacted our HS-15 CO CDR Giles Thompson, that he wanted pics of his ship with one of our birds doing mail transfers. Thompson was happy to oblige. I shot this photo with CDR Thompson as pilot. When we landed on the ship CDR Thompson demanded the film from the camera. I hesitated, but surrendered the film, figuring never to see my work again. A month or so later I was shocked when CDR Thompson showed me an "Official USS Barry 1977 Christmas Card", with this photo on the front. The photo credit, said only "HS-15/USS America Photo Lab". I was pissed to say the least. My pal from the photo lab PH3 Jeff Dubose made me a copy for myself. My hopes for a "Pulitzer Prize" winning photo were dashed at that point. But, I'm still trying.
posted By Mottern, Carl, AW1
Oct 15, 2008

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