Photo Album of Mottern, Carl, AW1
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205 -216 of 224 images
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HS-1 Graduating Class of SH-3 Aircrewmen, 5 Nov 1976
212 of 224
from  1976-1976, AW-0000, HS-1  album
The big day! Graduation and getting our Aircrewmens Wings. AWC Simpson and AW1 Adkins had both been AW A School Instructors when I was there in late 75. They were converting to HS from VP. Both went to HS-9, along with Baugh. Adkins made AWC the following year. Winters went to HS-7, Kurtz to HS-3. I went to HS-15.
posted By Mottern, Carl, AW1
May 24, 2009

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