Graf, John George, CDR

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Final Rank
Last Designator
645X-Limited Duty Officer - Intelligence
Last Designator Group
Line Officer
Primary Unit
1969-1969, 645X, Defense POW/MIA Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)
Service Years
1945 - 1974
Commander Commander

 Current Photo   Personal Details 

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Home State
Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by Robert Connors, CDR to remember Graf, John George, CDR.

If you knew or served with this Sailor and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Contact Info
Home Town
Last Address
MIA Date
Nov 15, 1969
MIA-Died in Captivity
Drowned, Suffocated
Vietnam, South (Vietnam)
Vietnam War
Memorial Coordinates
Panel 16W Line 079

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Vietnam Veterans MemorialUnited States Navy Memorial The National Gold Star Family Registry
  2012, Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Assoc. Page
  2014, United States Navy Memorial - Assoc. Page
  2014, The National Gold Star Family Registry

 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:


He went back to RVN because he wanted a Silver Star.


"the only Sailor, Officer, or Enlisted who was shot down twice, captured by the enemy, and killed during an escape attempt ... A Naval Intelligence Officer by experience, a Mustang by background, an aviator by training, and a Fleet sailor who braved the Antarctic gale in his time ... He is also a symbol of the American Sailor, officer and enlisted, who stood up to his brutal captors and gave the full measure of devotion while attempting to perform the final duty of a prisoner: escape."

Lieutenant Commander John Graf, an intelligence officer, was assigned to the Naval Advisory Group. On 15 November 1969 he and then-Captain Robert White (73rd Aviation Company) were conducting a visual reconnaissance mission in an OV-1C Mohawk aircraft (tail number 61-2690). Their aircraft was hit by enemy fire and was observed by a U.S. Navy patrol boat to be on fire and descending. Both men escaped the burning aircraft, parachuting to the ground. Although an extensive air and ground search was conducted by allied forces, the two could not be found. White and Graf initially were classed as Missing in Action, but after reliable reports were received indicating that both men had been captured by the Viet Cong they were reclassified as prisoners of war.

Nothing more was heard of the two men until Major White was released by the Viet Cong on 01 April 1973 - the last American POW released during Operation Homecoming. During his debrief, White reported that he was held with Graf in various prison camps until late January 1970, when Graf escaped with another POW. Captain White never saw Graf after that, but he was told by his captors that Graf had drowned during his escape attempt.

Captured documents and post-war reports by former residents of the area supported what White had been told, and indicated that Graf's body had been recovered and buried somewhere in Vinh Binh Province.

His remains have never been recovered.


Other Comments:

New information sent to CDR Graf's niece, Helene Judith Connors, on  7 Feb 2013 indicates that a Vietnamese citizen, Mr. Hong, may be holding CDR Graf's remains in his home garden.  Mr. Hong claims that he was a South Vietnamese soldier who was captured by the North.  During his re-education, he heard the story of CDR Graf's capture.  Many elements of his story, including the typr of plane, and information on the other individual captured, match official records.  The year of the capture, however, was reported as 1963 or 1964, when in fact it was 1969.  Mr. Hong claims that in 1999 he went  to the village near the river where CDR Graf apparently drowned and was buried.  With help of Vietnam citizens, he dug up the remains and brought them to his home Garden.  U.S. investigation continues.  I am asking the U.S. Government to obtain the remains and subject them to expeditious anthropological investigation and DNA analysis.

Unfortunately, in May 2013, the Pentagon informed us that the above story had been checked out by U.S. Officials in Nam several years ago.  A U.S. anthropologist examined the remains held in the garden and they were that of a female child.  

Robert E. Connors, CDR, MSC, USN, husband of Helene J. (Hook), CDR Graf's niece.


  1946-1947, Weather Reconnaissance Squadron 1 (VPW-1) Typhoon Chasers

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- / 1946

To Month/Year
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Weather Reconnaissance Squadron 1 (VPW-1) Typhoon Chasers Unit Page

Petty Officer Third Class

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 Weather Reconnaissance Squadron 1 (VPW-1) Typhoon Chasers Details

Weather Reconnaissance Squadron 1 (VPW-1) Typhoon Chasers
Redesignated VPM-1

Aviation Fixed Wing

Parent Unit
Fixed Wing

Navy Squadron

Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Dec 8, 2008
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