'Our mission is to
capture the service story
of every veteran'

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Association News

Why You Should Join Tin Can Sailors
The National Association of Destroyer Veterans

Who can join? The majority of our members are destroyer veterans, but we have many members who served aboard destroyer escorts, frigates, destroyer tenders and other ships. We also welcome relatives of destroyer veterans, historians, model builders, and anyone who has an interest in preserving destroyers as museums. Only destroyer veterans, however, are eligible to serve on the board of directors.

The suggested annual contribution is $35.00 Tin Can Sailors is a bargain!
You'll receive a great 64-page magazine four times a year.    
You can attend our many events across the country.
You will be helping to support seven museum/memorial ships that serve as memorials to sailors.
Tin Can Sailors is recognized by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3), therefore, contributions to Tin Can Sailors may be tax-deductible.
You'll receive free or reduced-price admission to many ships and maritime museums of the Historic Fleet.    
We offer a money-back guarantee on membership contributions and Ship's Store purchases. You can't lose!
So join the thousands of destroyer veterans who are already members of Tin Can Sailors!

Have us mail an application to you

Print a membership registration form

Join the Mobile Riverine Force Association Today!

The Mobile Riverine Force Association (MRFA) was founded in 1992 by a small group of former sailors and soldiers who served with the Mobile Riverine Force – Task Force 117 during the Vietnam War. The MRF was one of the few “joint” units during the war. U.S. Army infantry, artillery, and other assorted commands worked together with small U.S. Navy riverine craft, as well as Supply and Repair ships, to thwart communist aggression in the III and IV Corps Tactical Zones from January 1967 to December 1970.

Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel
191 Westport Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63146

Start planning now for the 2021 MRFA Reunion in St. Louis, MO. Registration will open on the morning of Thursday, September 16, 2021, and the reunion will end on Sunday, September 19, 2021.  

You will be able to start making reservations on October 1, 2020. Please make sure to reference the MRFA when making your reservations. You can make your reservation on the hotel webpage setup for our MRFA by clicking HERE.

You can also make reservations by calling 1-888-627-7066 Monday thru Friday.

The cutoff date for reservations is August 25, 2021.

Click here for more information.