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TWS Member Shares his Artistic Talent

John Fronza, Sr is a gifted artist and Navy Veteran.

He says "My naval career was short-lived. I served four years during the Vietnam War. Some of the people resent the military, others love it. Some only realize its importance when they need it. I find it to have been the most influential experience I have ever had in my career".

"I fell in love with the Sea after that experience and I can't say that about any company I have worked for in my career. Not that I was dissatisfied, but I always compared them to my TEAMS in the Navy. Men and women who came together to be part of something bigger than themselves."

"You can't understand something you know nothing about but I intend to try to convey the importance of our sea service in my work and the men and women who put their lives on the line even as we speak."

"If I leave nothing else in my legacy, I hope that people will understand that I at least, tried to make a difference in my own small way with my service to my country."

This is the USS George Washington leaving the port of New York City with the light in the background depicting what was the World Trade Center. The signal flags spell out NEVER FORGET.

 "If anyone would be interested in commissioning me for a specific ship or reunion piece please let me know. My number is on my profile." 

You can contact John here or email him at jdfronza@gmail.com