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Hippie Chicks

I returned from the "Big Disagreement" and had been warned about all of the foolishness and self-righteousness of the under-40 crowd, but I still was bewildered by what I encountered when I came 'home.'

One of my most head-shaking memories upon my return was of being told that I was a baby-killing murderer by an about 22 year-old, 5 foot 3 white hippie chick dressed in a one-piece granny dress. She had long, straight black hair, John Lennon glasses, and a mouth that wouldn't quit spouting leftist trash. I just shook my head and kept moving.

Fast-forward about a dozen years, and I, a newly-minted Second Lieutenant, was going through the Atlanta airport in my dress greens, and there before me was an about 22 year-old, 5 foot 3 white ultra-conservative chick dressed in a very fashionable, one-piece granny dress! She had long, straight black hair, stylish John Lennon glasses, and a mouth that told me I was a communist and lover of leftist Democrats because I wouldn't give her a donation to a neo-con group! I stopped and looked in a window (a mirror) to make sure I was dressed in my Class A's and told her I was a soldier in the U.S. Army and not a commie! 

That's when she told me that I was a Tip O'Neal lover (and would probably go to Hell).

I swear to you that they could have been the same girl, but obviously, they couldn't have been after all those years. 

I guess there's just a whole class of 5 foot 3 hippie-looking white chicks that are just passionately and very vocally angry at the world...