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TWS Member Comment


TogetherWeServed.com has kept me in touch with other military personnel and helped me remember and reflect on my time in the service. I see old photos and profiles of many who I served with, and in reading their stories, I warmly reflect on things. It is a great "meeting place." After reading my profile in TWS, an old Navy buddy contacted me, and we had a great time remembering our experiences in VP-17. It turns out he lives in Oregon, a short flight from my home in California. In May of this year and again in September, I went to Oregon, and we got together along with a group of vets he meets with weekly. In May, the group also had a retired Navy Captain, Brian Shipman, who had previously served as a Weapons Officer on the USS Milius, namesake of Paul Milius, KIA from our squadron VO-67. Small world.