Photo Album of White, Charles, EM2
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point of impact
5 of 184
from  Going back to work and school  album
It got me but you have to admit I paid it back in full. My wife heard the collision around 4:30 a.m. Thursday morning. I was in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee. I didn't remember anything about the collision and my skull was split open. It took my wife and two EMT's to get me to go to the hospital. I can remember walking to the hospital from the parking lot, but nothing else until I woke up in intensive care friday morning. After I had checked back in they told me I had died in the emergency room, but they got me going with CPR. I got out of the hospital in time to be home by two and went back to work. My head hasn't bothered me at all, but my rib cage is very sore. I'[d rather not be on the recieving end again.
posted By White, Charles, EM2
Mar 30, 2012

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